Adress : 5, avenue Etienne Billières – 31300 Toulouse
Pedagogical tool kits
The first two kits entitled a history of dance in 10 dates and a history of contemporary dance in 10 titles were developed using some of the treasures from the dance film library and the archives of dance companies. A third kit in the form of a danced conference, entrusted to choreographers François Chaignaud and Cecilia Bengolea, offers a world tour of urban dances in 10 cities, presenting the countless dances created and performed on the streets in major cities around the world.
The thinking process involved in developing these different tools has led to a rethink on how best to inform the public about dance in light of the complexity of the history of dance. Danses sans visa is thus the fourth toolkit to be developed, freely accessible on the Internet.
Adress : c/Le Cuvier CDC, Château Feydeau, avenue Ile de France - 33370 Artigues
The CDC was set up to serve dance, and is recognized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. It includes 10 structures in France which work together in association: A-CDC. It was created in 2012, bringing together: Le Gymnase | CDC Roubaix Nord Pas-de-Calais ; Le Cuvier – CDC d’Aquitaine ; le Pacifique | CDC Grenoble ; Uzès danse, CDC de l’Uzège, du Gard et du Languedoc-Roussillon ; Art Danse – CDC Dijon Bourgogne ; La Briqueterie – CDC du Val de Marne ; L’échangeur – CDC Picardie ; L’Atelier de Paris - Carolyn Carlson – CDC Paris, CDC Toulouse/Midi-Pyrénées ; Pôle-Sud – CDC Strasbourg (en préfiguration) ; Touka Danses | CDC Guyane (currently being set up)
Created in 1975, the French National Television Archives (Ina), is a public company that is firmly committed in the 21st century. It collects and conserves 80 years of Radio recordings and 70 years of television programmes that are at the heart of France’s collective memory. It capitalises on them and gives them meaning, allowing them to be shared with a wider audience in France and abroad.
There are 6 INA delegations in different regions, including the Ina Pyrenees delegation. In cooperation with the CDC Toulouse/Midi-Pyrénées, it was responsible for developing the portrait Danses sans visa/ dances don’t need a visa..
Selected images and sounds are available on its public website and all of them can be found at its consultation centres called INA THEQUES available through legal deposit. These are also used for producing and broadcasting programmes, publishing, image-based education and cultural activities.
For several years now, Ina has been creating original interactive services on the Internet called "interactive portraits" designed to enhance France’s audiovisual heritage (learn more)
With the support of :
- "innovative cultural digital services" call for projects 2014 organized by the Ministry of Culture and Communication
- the General Management of the Création Artistique
- TEAT Champ Fleuri | TEAT Plein Air, Theatres on Réunion Island
- the Iconothèque historique de l’océan Indien
- the James Carlès dance company
- ▪ the University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès and the Department and Art and Com/professional degree: mediation and project development in dance and circus arts
- Laboratoire LLA-Créatis/Humanities, languages and Arts/Dance Programme